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A little bit of me

Writer's picture: Shelby M. WagnerShelby M. Wagner

As an introvert I don't necessarily love the initial moment of meeting someone new. Scratch that I don't love it at all, but once I settle into the conversation my people detective skills kick-in and I start enjoying myself.


I often describe myself as Sherlock Holmes (and not that old stodgy version, but the cool Robert Downey Jr. version with the matrix-like reflexes and foresight) because I enjoy solving the mysteries of people once I get a chance to know them.


I enjoy listening for the talents they're being modest about, looking for the nuanced behaviors that make them unique, and simply taking in what it must feel like to be them.


I know, it might sound like there's a lot going on when I first meet someone, but for me it's exhilarating and it all often happens in a matter of minutes, sometimes even seconds.


So this past year it was strange for me to feel called to meet new people and host conversations with strangers... Like, who? Me?


It was overwhelming thinking of what it would feel like to talk with a group of people I don't know, but once I sat with it for awhile I saw that what I was being called to do was help build connection, community and even healing.


I see now, meeting new people is a gateway to the real goal: Inspire conversations that help us cross the lines that divide us, using my gifts.


So despite my introverted tendencies, and my fear of being too much and offending someone with what I really think...


I'm answering the call. I'm embarking on a journey of sparking conversation with the hope that as you share your voice, others will share theirs too.


When we share our stories, we see ourselves and each other a bit more clearly. We build community.


I invite you to join me.


And yes, that is a Santabear sneaking into my pic.

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